Hear Gaming Brought To Life with Melbourne Chiptune Academy

The Game Expo is pleased to bring another creative community to share the sublime sounds of video game culture – literally made by retro consoles and handhelds, with chiptunes! There will be demonstrations and live performances on stage for TGX attendees to enjoy.

The Melbourne Chiptune Academy is a collection of musicians and artists who focus on creatively engaging with limitations through retro videogame consoles and handheld devices. They organise meetups, events and workshops to build a community around this practice. 

At the expo they will have a wide range of musical devices being demonstrated from Nintendo Gameboy and Sega Mega-Drive through to the M8 Tracker and beyond, come along and ask any questions you like, get a quick tutorial or just listen to some tunes.

Follow what they are up to and join the community at https://chiptuneacademy.com.au/

A sample of chiptunes recent live show footage – Watch Here

Stage Schedule 

Times subject to change – please see final schedule via the main page.




About The Chip Artists

Some artists from the community will be performing on the Main Stage at 1:30pm on both days:


Appalach combines Brass instruments with the Gamebo

One Hit Kill

One Hit Kill brings an array of effects and samples to the gameboy to create a 90s Big Beat sound


Catchinashes creates vibrant melody driven gameboy dance music


Avrilcadabra brings a breadth of old school knowledge with a new school twist with authentic chiptune bangers on the M8 Tracker